
Welcome to Fir Tree Primary Schools Nursery!

Our wonderful nursery is a warm and welcoming environment where our staff capture the children’s imagination, promote curiosity and critical thinking and provide them with the strong and firm foundations to be life long learners. At Fir Tree we offer them the best possible start through a stimulating, practical and exciting curriculum, rooted in excellent early years practice.

We have a 26-place Nursery, with its own admissions procedure. We take children the term after their third birthday. We offer 30-hours funded places (subject to availability) for eligible families as well as government-funded 15 hours provision. Please see how to apply for funding in document below. 15 hours provision is offered as three hours per day in either a morning or afternoon block.  You can express a preference as to the session block you would like and we will of course accommodate where we can.

Nursery times are:

Morning Sessions 8:30am – 11:30am.

Lunch Session: 11:30am - 12:15pm (for 30 hours children)

Afternoon Sessions 12:15pm – 3:30pm

We have a breakfast club and lunch club available, to provide wrap-around care for 30 hours children, where there are spaces available. These sessions are all charged for.

Our rates:

Breakfast club rate: £3.50 per day

Lunchtime supervision rate: £3.50 per day

School dinner lunch cost (made payable to parent pay): £2.45 per day.

If you are entitled to 15hour but would like to pay to increase to 30hours then please speak to the school office about this. Our rate is:

  • £16.92 per day (£5.64 per hour).

The children are at the centre of all that we do at Fir Tree. We firmly believe a child’s well-being and happiness is vital to their learning success and this is at the heart of everything we do.

From the first day children start with us, they can expect an outstanding education, and they will thrive in our well-planned learning environment. We endeavour to ensure all children have a wide range of indoor and outdoor experiences within our engaging and rich learning environments to support learning and development across all seven key areas of the Early Years curriculum.

We believe that high quality early learning experiences are vital as they lay the foundations for a lifetime’s love of learning as children learn best when they are motivated through a wide range of challenging and enjoyable activities.  The children at Fir Tree make excellent progress through high quality interactions. We carefully build upon their existing knowledge and skills and use this to identify and support the children in achieving the next steps in their learning. We capture children’s learning through our online early learning journey of Tapestry.

If you would like to come and join our Fir Tree family, then please contact the school office to arrange a visit and receive an application form.

Entrance to Nursery has no impact on application to the main school; this is a separate admissions procedure administered by the Local Authority.

Mrs R Smith

Early Years Leader

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