Fir Tree school use Arbor as our school MIS (Management Information System). All primary guardians are encouraged to sign up for the Arbor Parent Portal / Parent App. 

The portal will give you more insight into your child's attendance, behaviour and reward points, and allow the school to communicate with you more directly.

Parents/Guardians will also need to use the Parent Portal or Parent App to make payments for meals and trips. 

Initial Sign-Up / Login to Arbor Parent Portal

To access the portal you must first sign in and set a password. Follow the steps below:


  1. Please go to in any web browser on a desktop PC, laptop or tablet/phone.
  2. Enter your email address (which must match the one held on file by the school) and select 'set password'. The system will ask you to confirm your child's date of birth (not your own) as confirmation.
  3. After this first step, please download the free Arbor Parent App from the Google Play or Apple store to your device. The app offers easier access to the same information. Note, however, you can't complete the initial sign-in directly in the app.
  4. On the portal there is the facility to update contact details, however we will not be using this facility. If you need to make any changes to your child’s records please do this in the normal way via the school office.

Help with Parent Portal / Parent App

Help with Parent Portal / Parent App

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