Individual tours are now taking place for Reception 2025. 

Please call the school office to arrange a visit with our Headteacher, Mr Steer. We look forward to welcoming you to FirTree School.

Year 6 - Oak

Welcome to Year Six - Oak Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Purcell

Supported by: Mrs Gore


Welcome to Year 6

Now your children are at the very top of the Fir Tree community, it is the aim of the Year 6 Team not only to educate, but also prepare the children for their transition to secondary school. Our curriculum is designed to provide the children with the skills and knowledge to further progress each individual towards discovering their true identity and talents. This will be completed in a challenging yet supportive environment which encourages independence of thought and action. We want the children to leave Fir Tree with confidence and courage, ready to embark on the challenges, which lie ahead. 

The Year 6 Team consists of Mrs Carroll, Miss Winter, Mrs Williams and myself. I am contactable through the school website or you can write a message in your child’s reading record.

The Curriculum & Homework

The children will have Maths and English every day and homework will be set based on the work they have been completing during the week. 

In English, there is a strong focus on vocabulary, speaking and listening to ensure that the children are provided with the tool kit to access the learning and become articulate communicators. 

Although your child is now in Year 6, it is still essential that they continue to read at home for at least 10 minutes every day and that this is recorded in their reading records. Please take opportunities to discuss what they have read as this will support their comprehension and inference skills and deepen their understanding of language. Engaging with your child about their books will nurture a love of reading which will have many positive effects on their language and social skills.

In Maths this term we will be consolidating place value; learning standard approaches to solving problems using the four operations; fractions and position and direction. By now, children should be confident with their multiplication tables. Please encourage them to practise these on a regular basis to develop fluency and pace of recall on then Times Table Rock Stars website. In addition to this, we now take part in a weekly multiplication test called the ’99 Club’. Each week your child will participate in a two minute test of their times tables. If they get all of the questions correct three times in a row, they will move onto the next level. You will know when this happens, as they will bring home a certificate to share.

PE for Year 6 is on a Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning. Please make sure that your child has the appropriate kit in school to ensure they can fully enjoy each activity.

Please see the attached Topic Web for this class for further details about what children will be learning.

As with all other year groups, homework is set on Friday and is expected back in school by Wednesday morning. In addition, every child is set spellings to learn each week which will be tested on a Thursday. These have also been set on Spelling Frame and I have given each child their password to stick into their reading record.  

Please support your child by ensuring that they have a quiet area to complete their work and it is done at a time when they are feeling fresh - Friday afternoon would be ideal. If there is a problem, please do not hesitate to contact me for guidance.

I look forward to sharing your child’s successes with you this year, of which I’m sure there’ll be many! 

Mrs Purcell

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