Year 4 - Maple

Welcome to Year Four - Maple Class

Class Teacher: Miss Megan Purcell

Support by: Mrs Kate Holliday & Mrs Nikki Hughes(pm)


Contact the Class Teacher HERE


Welcome to Year 4.
In all of our lessons, there is a strong focus on language to help build the children’s knowledge of vocabulary, we are also really trying to work on speaking and listening to make sure the children at Fir Tree become excellent communicators and have the confidence to speak out with their ideas. Over the next year, your child will be challenged and supported so that they continue to achieve their targets and goals with growing confidence.
The Year 4 Curriculum map will show you what we are learning during the Autumn term, please have a look so you and your child know what we are going to be learning.
Times tables are a main focus in year 4 due to the Multiplication Check Test that the children sit in June. All children are expected to know their multiplication facts for every times tables by the end of this year, so it is really important that the children start practising as soon as possible. The expectation is that the children spend at least 10 minutes every day practising them on TT Rockstars. Knowing their times tables is one of the best ways to help improve their mental arithmetic and recall in maths, and it also has a huge effect on children’s confidence.
Spellings will be given out each Friday and the children will be tested on the following Firday. Children will have access to Spelling Frame to help make their learning more interactive and fun as they practise their words but then should also spend times writing these words to help with handwriting and spelling pattern recognition.
Children are expected to read every day at home for at least 10 minutes. Please can this be recorded in their reading records as it helps us to keep track of who is working towards their reading challenges (50 reads, 100 reads etc) Please take opportunities to discuss what they have read as this will support their comprehension and inference skills and deepen their understanding of language.
PE is with Mr Hosier on Monday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit, and it is labelled with their name. PE will be outside in all weathers. Please can you make sure your child has a change of shoes for PE, they can not do PE in their school shoes.
Please have a look at our timetable below to see how the day is structured.
Homework is set on Friday and is expected back in school by Wednesday morning. 
If you have any questions, please make an appointment to see me or email me here. I am always happy to help in any way that I can.

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