Year 2 - Willow

Class Teacher: Miss Elizabeth Martin

Supported by: Miss Braginton & Mrs Hughes


Contact the Class Teacher HERE


Welcome to year 2


The Year 2 Curriculum maps will show you what we are learning during the terms, please have a look so you and your child know what we are going to be studying.



Mr Hosier will be taking the children for PE lessons on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. Please make sure your child’s PE bag comes into school on Monday and children will bring them home Friday for them to be washed.

Please can you make sure that all your child’s belongings are named so we can return them if they become misplaced.



This year your children will come home with two different reading books.

One book will be linked to their phonics sessions and this will be changed every Friday. It is really important that your child reads this book, working on fluency, expression, vocabulary knowledge and their comprehension skills – not only the sounding and blending elements. We want to develop confident, fluent readers who understand what they are reading and are able to express this clearly.

The other book will be a comprehension book. This is a book to share with someone. They are NOT expected to read this, but to discuss the cover, the title, predict what might happen in the story, think about the characters, the setting, why events are happening and at the end of the book recall aspects of the story. Your child can change this book as often as they would like.


Children are expected to read every day at home for at least 10 minutes. Please can this be recorded in their reading records as it helps us to keep track of who is working towards their reading challenges (50 reads, 100 reads etc). Please take opportunities to discuss what they have read, as this will support their comprehension and inference skills and deepen their understanding of language. Engaging with your child about their books will nurture a love of reading which will have many positive effects on their language and social skills.



Spellings will be given out each Friday and the children can test at the end of the next week on spelling frame. Children will have access to Spelling Frame to help make their learning more interactive and fun as they practise their words but then should also spend times writing these words to help with handwriting and spelling pattern recognition.


School Dinners

School dinners are free for children in Key Stage 1. If your child is having a school dinner, please order this online via Parent Pay. This needs to be done by 8am.



Homework will be sent out on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. Please support your child by ensuring that they have a quiet area to complete their work and it is done at a time when they are feeling fresh - Friday afternoon would be ideal.


If there is a problem, please do not hesitate to come and see me. I am not always available first thing in the morning but you can always make an appointment or email me if it is urgent. I am always happy to help.


Miss Martin

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