01635 42129
Class Teacher: Mrs Hayton
Supported by: Mrs Wilson & Miss Guest
Year 1 is an exciting year full of learning new concepts and skills that will support the children throughout their school life and beyond. The journey each child makes in this first year of more formal learning is immense and the staff pride themselves on valuing & celebrating each individual step that the children take along the way. We will be encouraging your child to develop their independence and resilience.
Over the course of a week we have daily maths, literacy, phonics and whole class guided reading and other lessons of science, PE, geography or history, RE, art or DT, handwriting and PSHE. We also love to read and will spend a lot of time sharing books and talking about them. The children will be encouraged to extend their vocabulary and become more confident communicators.
Reading Books in year 1 all reading books are allocated on
‘Rising Stars’, your child's log in details can be found in their reading record book and you will be provided with information explaining the log-in process. Your child will need their reading record book in school everyday.
The children will be expected to read regularly (daily where possible) to practise their segmenting and blending skills, increase the fluency of their reading and develop their comprehension – please support us in this. The children will be encouraged to re-read the same book to develop their awareness of vocabulary, punctuation, characters, settings and story structures. Please record each time they read at home, these 'nights read' will be counted, and certificates and prizes will be awarded for 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 reads.
Please share additional books with your child to help foster a ‘love-of-reading’.
The phonics screening test is a big focus in Year 1 and under current guidance will be held in June 2023 – please work with us to help develop your child’s phonics skills. A good understanding of phonics leads to being a more confident reader and writer; which has a huge impact on all areas of learning in the curriculum. Attached in the literacy pack are ‘sound mats’ and word cards which are identical to the ones we use in class to support the children with their writing and reading. In class, we spend a lot of time segmenting and blending words – the children need this skill in order to tackle the alien words (there is a page of alien words included).
PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday
The children should bring their kit to school on a Monday and will usually wear it home on a Wednesday after our lesson. Please ensure you have included weather appropriate clothing in your child's kit, at least part of every PE lesson will usually take part outside.
Homework will be set on a Friday and will need to be returned to school by Wednesday, unless otherwise stated on the sheet.
Spellings will be taught within phonics lessons and literacy work as well as focussed work on the year 1 common exception words. When appropriate spellings will be shared weekly on the homework sheet and access to 'spelling frame' to practise provided.
Maths Passports
The children will shortly be taking home maths passports with targets for them to work on at home.
If you would like to speak to a member of the year 1 team please either contact the office or e-mail:
We look forward to working with you all this year.
Mrs Hayton