Nursery – Acorn

Welcome to NurseryAcorn Class

Welcome to Acorn Class (Foundation 1)

Class Teacher: Mrs Sarah Pullum

Supported By: Miss Martyna Eblowska & Miss Ella Rackham


Welcome to our Nursery class page. We hope you find the information here useful. We follow a series of Topics in our Nursery Class, focusing on different skills for development over the year. We plan learning experiences linked to our topic but also our ‘book of the week.’ Please see our current topic web below to see what we are learning about. You can also view our class timetable below; this will show you how your child’s day will be structured at school.


Within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), each child has a learning journey that documents their learning throughout their time in the EYFS. This year we continue to use an online system called Tapestry that you will be able to access at home.

We will use Tapestry to record observations, photos and videos to document your child’s progress across the Early Years Foundation Stage. You will be able to access your child’s Learning Journey from a computer via  or by using the ‘Tapestry’ App on mobile devices.

Please note: As part of the changes to the new EYFS framework, it means that there is less emphasis on recording paperwork, meaning we, as adults, can spend more time with your child getting to know them and having those quality interactions.

Reading Diaries and Books

Every day, your child will have the opportunity to choose a library book to take home and read with you. These are available from the box outside the classroom door. Please encourage your child to change it as often as they would like. Please write in your child’s reading record when you have read the book together. 

It would be really beneficial if you could find a quiet time to share the book without any distractions. We also encourage the children to independently hold the book and turn the pages themselves. You might want to talk about the story with your child, discussing what you can see happening in the pictures or asking questions about the book. For example:

  • What is happening in this picture?
  • What do you think is going to happen next?
  • Who is your favourite character?



Throughout the Nursery day, we will be offering fruit, vegetables and milk using a ‘rolling snack’ system. This encourages the children’s sense of independence, as they are able to choose when they want to sit down for a snack and serve themselves. We receive fresh fruit and vegetables for the class every week. You do not need to provide a snack from home for your child.

Water Bottles

Please ensure that your child brings a clear water bottle to school every day. This should be clearly named and filled with water. We ask that bottles are not filled with juice or fizzy drinks.


Please ensure that your child has a pair of named wellies for use in the Nursery garden. This will allow your child to explore a wide range of environments, whatever the weather may throw at us!

Spare Clothes

If you would like to bring a spare change of clothing in for your child, please ensure these are all clearly named and brought in a named bag.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I will be available at the nursery door during drop off and pick up times or you can email me using the link below.

I look forward to teaching your child and working alongside you over this next year!

Mrs. Pullum

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